Daisypath Graduation tickers

Jom Pergi Cinta Seputih Salju


25 June 2010

Tagged by Epa =)

Epa, so sorry lambat balas tag nie...Dah terbaca, tapi tak tau Liyana tue Epa maksudkan saya...hehe

1.Adakah anda happy sekarang?

Yup, happy...tp biasa la...hidup xsentiasa gembira...ada jgk kesedihan, kesusahan yg mewarnai kehidupan ini...

2.Kenapa anda Happy?

Krn keluarga n kwn2 yg sentiasa ada di samping sy...tambah2 dh bergelar pelajar thn akhir...gembira sgt tp tkut jgk nk menghadapinya ><

3.Apakah benda yang boleh membuatkan anda happy?

Benda2 yg x membebankn otak n perasaan cam shopping, bc novel, main game n makannnnn...

4.Pernahkah anda menerima tag?

Klu kt blog, ini la yg 1st...itu la yg xsangka sy Liyana yg Epa maksudkn...hehe

5.Nyatakan warna yang anda suka.

Pink, biru, hijau, putih....Basically, sume warna2 yg lembut, xstriking...

6.Beritahu 9 orang yang anda mahu tag.
Alamak, ramainye...nak tag sape nie :-/

1. Wana
2. Key
3. Kak Lynn
4. Kak Qilah
5. Latif
Lg 4 masih kosong...
Sape2 yg nk mengtagkan diri, sila2 la jgn segan...hehe

7.Tuliskan sesuatu tentang orang yang anda tag.Tulis panjang bejela pon takpa.

Semuanya sy kenal ms kt Qber...K.Qilah senior, yg lain sm batch dgn sy...

8.Adakah anda happy dengan apa yang ada?

Alhamdulillah...sy happy dgn apa yg tlh dikurniakn...sentiasa cuba ingatkn dri yg orang lain lagi kekurangan dr apa yg tlh sy ada...suburkn rs syukur dlm hati kita yer kwn2 =)

Ok Epa...dh selesai jwb...hehe

24 June 2010


Salam'alaik to you all...

I wanna talk about diet today. Don't blame me or feel uneasy with these title. Diet here is not about wanting to be slim and loose weight. It's about balance and nutritious intake. I'm realize that I've not been taking care of my diet lately. Okey, okey...not just lately but it's been about 2-3 years already. 

My desire towards fast food had been increasing...Burger, Pizza, Fried chicken...It's been a choice especially when I went out. Don't know since when did I been in love with the fast food. However, might be when I'm felt I'm grown up and start my university life because my parents never teach us on taking fast food. Even having meal at restaurant or mamak stall I could say rare in my family. My father loves his wife cooking the best because he sure of the content and the freshness of the ingredient used. He so allergic towards MSG. That's why  he prefer homemade cooking. 

Talking about my mom....yeah, she is absolutely someone that really concern about our food and health. Whenever she read about something good about a vegetables or fruits, she will try to cook and make juice for us. Don't get wrong. She didn't take it blindly. She read or hear the health session on the newspaper, tv or on the net. She made the best for her family. I loves all her cooking except when she cooked 'ikan patin'. Because I don't like 'patin' or 'keli'...hehe. For her sons and daughters, she always want to make sure that they have breakfast before going to school. Even I'm at university now, she always remind me not to forget my breakfast...but I sometimes didn't have times for that because I'm late. Another thing that she always remind me and my siblings about diet is to take dates (kurma) and kismis everyday. That habit I have been left since 3rd year even my mom always ask me to bring with me dates and kismis every time I wanna comes to hostel.

Don't felt I'm talking nonsense. That's about the diet that I want back in my life...but not the fast food laa...  Dates and kurma have been known to have many benefits. That's why I want to make it as my daily food again. I don't wanna left my breakfast...if I could. It's not an easy thing for me to be discipline. However, I would try for my own health and life. I wanna live life in healthy body, mind and spirit. 

Let's work towards it, Liyana!!!