It's been quite a long time since my last entry...I'm really stress during last posting...Todays entry, I wanna talk about OPKIM which I had join during the mid-term break last week. PERSIAP was invited to join the OPKIM held by FSKB student. Total of 12 medical students including me had volunteer to join it. We went there for 4 days 3 nights, from 20-23 Nov. This OPKIM really gives me the most happier memory with foster family as the are more time with them and not only just to sleep. Furthemore, this family was very happy to receive foster children. They weren't busy like my previous foster family in Melaka and Kelantan, where both of them are busy and I has less contact with them and doesn't knew them much. But this time, I'm having a really really great foster family. Besides that, I also get to knew the siblings of my foster family. They really welcoming us.
About the activities...hurm, actually i didn't involve in other activities besides the medical consultation..hehe. Therefore, I can't comment on those activities. But he health promotion activities was really great will all the other department. But, when i told the patient to ask the pharmacist student about their medication, the pharmacist student told that they didn't learn about drug because they only year 1 and 2 student. I'm a bit dissapointing. But, it's not their fault. We all still learning. But, i hope for comprehensive management even for health promotion like this, each participants knew must about what they are suppose to tell the patient. Hope to be involve in OPKIM again...